Water Conservation
Water is priceless gift given by nature and is an indispensable resource. It is a fundamental element for every life. Water conservation is an effort to prevent the scarcity of water. It is combination of different activities like preservation of water, prevention of water pollution. It also consists of control and development of water resources , both surface and ground water .
Water conservation facilities in the Institution
Rain water Harvesting
Waste water Recycling
Rain water Harvesting
The Institution has implemented rainwater harvesting, which saves significant amount of water. CSE, ECE & MECHANICAL blocks have rainwater-harvesting structure and the rainwater is allowed to go underground through the structures. Since the college well is much below the road level, water level rises in rainy season. Water collected from terrace by PVC pipe (4 inch pipe) outlet depends upon the area and number of pipes provided. Water is flowing through the pipes and drains in the rainwater harvesting pit. The drain wells are constructed for water collection & recharge of surrounding ground. Rain water pit is filled with gravels and sand for percolation of water for recharging the surrounding ground area. Total 3 numbers of 3’0” dia 5’0” depth rain water harvesting pit are available at the campus.
Borewell recharge is very effective method of rain water harvesting. The borewells on campus is used to replenish rainwater. Borewell recharge technique also makes sure the storage of naturally filtered rainwater. The water level rises when the borewells are recharged.
Waste water Recycling
Wastewater recyclers are important features in any Organization. The implementations should follow the proper guidelines for wastewater treatment system discharge standards as per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). The main feature of these discharge standards is the treated water should not be harmful to the biodiversity, resources and the environment. Proper records on the analysis of water input and output parameters including the running time of the wastewater treatment plant, its operation cost, its maintenance and the reuse records of the treated water is maintained. The treated waste water is used for gardening, watering of trees .
Maintenance of Water distribution systems in the campus
The ground water is pumped into storage tanks located at different places in the campus. There are number of over head storage tanks in the campus. The water is distributed through well laid pipe network. Drinking water after treating in RO plant is supplied through a separate set of distribution pipes and water for all other purpose is supplied through another set of distribution pipes. Entire distribution system is well supervised by Civil works committee to ensure that there are no leakages and wastages of precious water through joints, valves etc. Waste usage of water is reduced using low pressure flushes.