SAEC-MBA Department regularly undertakes strategic planning process to review its activities and programmes to make them relevant. The figure given below shows the broad strategic map.

Review of Strategy Plan (2019-2023)

Teaching Learning Process 



Assessment and Evaluation Process

Uniformly implemented OBE and Rubric based evaluation.

Faculty Competence

Achieved through FDPs, NPTEL courses and Publications

Academic Administration Through Online

Developed ERP software for administration activities like student administration, faculty management, and finance and hostel management.

Introduce new relevant Programmes

Being contemplated

Participation of professional bodies

Quite a good number of activities have been conducted with professional bodies like –MMA, NIPM


Research and Development


MBA Patent Published

17 patents

No. of MBA Faculties completed Ph.D. during the job tenure of SAEC

4 completed PhD.

2020 :- 1

2021 :- 2

2022 :- 1

Human Resource Planning and Development – Faculty

Student: Faculty Ratio

Good (15:1 on average)

Faculty with PhD


Average years of experience

8 to 9 years

Participation in Faculty development programs

All staff attended FDP on regular bases


Human Resource Planning and Development – Students

Student diversity

Students diversity available based on States, Gender and UG Background

Student internship in industry

Every year Students will regularly attend internships in Industry.

Entrepreneurship Awareness

Entrepreneurship Development Curriculum inoculated in the syllabus. Students mandatory undergo the programmes every year

Additional Academic support for weaker/disadvantaged students

Systematic approach in the form of No Student left Behind is followed to improve the student.


341- offers (2019-2023)


Human Resource Development – Staff

Develop technical skills

Staff developed technical skills via NPTEL, FDP


Community Engagement 

Social Service (Blood donation, etc.)

Conducted every year In association with NSS and NCC

Short-term Courses/Workshops/Skill based programmes for Women, senior                        citizens, unemployed youth, etc.

10 programmes organized


Strategic Plan for 2024-29

1. Teaching Learning Process





Expected Outcome


Introducing Innovative Teaching Methods

Design thinking/case study, Flipped Classroom, Practical oriented learning etc

At least one activity per course


Developing e-content to encourage self learning aspects

Developing Videos and Smart books

Any 2 forms of e- content        per department


Developing Virtual Labs

Training to be given for developing virtual lab Contents

At least one lab per department


Enhancing multi- disciplinary approach in teaching

Promoting multi-disciplinary projects.

One multi-disciplinary project per student during 2nd or 3rd semester


Providing personal and career mentoring to students

Enhancing mentoring activities

· No of meetings at least 2 times per semester

· Weak students coaching at least 2 per semester

· Effectiveness at least 40% improvement


Promoting Technology Assisted self-learning

Encouraging students to undertake more online courses through self-study

At least 4 course per years


Converting Projects into Papers/ products/patents

Encouraging students to convert projects to papers /products/patents

In each department: 80%- academic projects to papers 15% – projects to products 5% – projects to patents

Resources Infrastructure:




Expected Outcome


Laboratory up Gradation

Purchase of new equipment as per up gradation of syllabus

At least 5 new equipment per department every year


Improvement in Computing facility

· Implementing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept

· Providing new centralized server for MBA software with central storage facility to all students and faculty members

· Each student should posses a laptop

· Any one laboratory course per department should be conducted using this centralized server facility


Creating smart classrooms/studios

Recording facility may be created in each class room to enhance e- content development

· One well equipped studio for college

· At least for one course, entire e-content is to be developed per semester in each department


Creating Teaching & Learning resource repository

Developing e-learning resource repository consists of PPTs, Videos, short summary, formula, Q-bank prepared / compiled by Faculty members etc and to be kept for free access to students

Repository for every subject should be created in each department


Creating centralized e-data management system for the institution

Providing a separate server for data management system for faculty and students.

All the student and faculty details should be available and accessible by everyone from the centralized server.


Creation of Continuing Education cell

To organize brainstorming Lectures and motivate faculty and students towards continuous learning

To create platform for offering online courses in NPTEL, Coursera, Udemy etc by our faculty

At least four programmes per department in a year

 At least one online course per department to be offered in a year


Up gradation of Sports infrastructure facilities

· Up-gradation of the Basketball & Badminton court with synthetic flooring and providing Systematic training program

· Establish new play facilities in hostels

· Up-gradation of the gym facilities, organize fitness camp and seminar

· Increase the number of Sports quota admissions

Minimum 10% increase in overall participation of the students and achievements every year


Improvement in Library automation services & infrastructure

Establishing RFID based Library Management system.

To implement software tools, so that the available e-resources can be accessed remotely

Minimum 20% increase in library access by students and faculty every year

To increase library space to hold more Books, Journal back volumes.

Minimum 20% increase in purchase of books every year.


3 Human Resources – Faculty





Expected Outcome


Faculty retention

Retain E minent professors Appointment of experts from industry & other institutions/organizations as Adjunct faculty

Minimum 1 Emeritus Professor. Minimum 2 Adjunct Faculty in every department.


Faculty student ratio

Recruiting faculty members to meet the ratio

AICTE and NBA norms to be met.


Faculty                    Professional skill development

·      Online course completion

·      Participation in FDP (more than 5 days)

·      Outside world Interactions: Participation in conferences/ workshops/ seminars

·     Acting as resource person- expert lecture, Chief Guest, chairperson, BOS member, etc

·     Faculty exchange Program – National / International levels

·     Organizing FDPs/ Seminars/ Conferences-Sponsored    /self-supporting and professional society activities

One per faculty in an academic year

One per faculty in an academic year

50% of faculty per department in a year

At least one faculty per year in department level

 Minimum 4 activities per department in a year


Faculty Induction                 and Pedagogical programme

·     Training for faculty with less than           two years experience. Refresher Workshop for faculty with two-to-five-year experience

·     Encourage fresh faculty to complete NITTTR course

·     Minimum one activity   at institutional level per year

·     Fresh faculty has to complete 8 courses within a span of 2 years

  • Human Resources – Supporting Staffs




Expected Outcome


Staff retention

Reward and recognition to be given every year based on the performance.

Average year of experience of staff   member in every department should be minimum 10 years.


Staff skill up gradation

Sponsoring staffs to participate in

skill development programmes with minimum two to five days.

50% in each dept. per year


Staff Qualification up gradation

Sponsoring staffs for higher Studies

At least 10% at institutional level

i. Human Resources – Students




Expected Outcome


Student diversity

Conducting National level competition and create promotion in other states.

20% from other states


Quality Placements

·      Conducting core/ software training programmes

·      Introducing regular one credit coursesfor development of soft skills

·      Conducting value added / one creditcourses

·      Introduce comprehensive test and vivain 2nd semester

·      Identifying and inviting more numberof reputed companies for placement

·   Minimum 2 programmes per department

·   Every student mustattend one

·   Every student mustattend one

·   85% of placement at institutional

level/departmental level

·   Increase    the   average salary by 5% every year


Student Participation in Innovation programmes

·     Engaging students to develop innovative projects

·     Funding support to develop projects

·     Organizing Exhibitions and Hackathons, etc

·     Minimum 5 projects per department to be scaled up.

·     Minimum    one project per student to be



Competitive examination and Higher studies

·     Conducting awareness/ training programmes

·    Minimum 30% students should appear for competitive

examinations     with                          at least 10% success




development/ Promoting Start up

Conducting awareness programmes

Encouraging students to participate in idea contest and Pitch decks

At least two per year


Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Value Added Courses, Internship,

Industrial Training

Conducting awareness for students by way of Industrial Visit, Guest Lecture, Value Added Courses, Internship for

Management Decision makers as part

At least two per year


college Autonomy policy



Case Study, Workshop, IIC, Conferences

Engaging         students           to Develop Case Study, arrange workshop, Participate in IIC Programme, Conferences as part of Content beyond

syllabus policy

At least two per year

  • Research and Development





Expected Outcome


R&D Grants received

·   Focus more on Multi-disciplinary research.

·   International funding can be obtained

·   Search for funding from other funding   organizations (NGOs/Ministry)

·   Every faculty member with Ph.D. qualification shall apply for a minimum of one funded research

project per year

Minimum 1 Crore funding per year from external funding agency



(Journals and Books)

·   Publication of research work in Science Citation Index (SCI)/Scopus Journal

·   Faculty members are appreciated with appropriate monitory incentives for their Web of Science/Scopus indexed journal publications

·   Faculty members are motivated to

write Book and publish with renowned publisher.

·  Average of one paper per faculty in SCI/Scopus journals.


Improvement of Citation Index

·   Faculty    members    should utilize either Urkund/ Turnitin-Ithenticate plagiarism          software‘s           before submitting                    the        research papers/project             proposals and its similarity index should be less than 15%

·   Quality publications will enhance citation index. Incentives can be provided for publications with high


Average Scopus indexed citations should cross 4 per paper        for     last 3             year publications.


Joint/Collaborative Research

·   The Institute encourages faculty members to establish network with other higher institutions of learning and research organizations within India and abroad and go for MOU

·   Registration Fee, travel, boarding and lodging expenses to participate in conferences/workshops/seminars and other professional development activities have to be provided by the

Institution partly.

·  Collaborative / joint research projects with lead institutions / R&D laboratories / industries.