Dr. S. Ramachandran
PhD in Composite coatings for High temperature Applications with 27 years of experience in Teaching and Research activities.
Mobile No : 94440 01904
E-Mail : principal@saec.ac.in
Telephone : 044-26801499
Professional Summary
Completed 6 sponsored research projects from IGCAR, CVRDE and DST –worth of more than 1 Crore in the wide area of Manufacturing, Design and Heat transfer, specifically in Surface coatings, Solar Energy, Flow analysis of fluids through Weir, Heat transfer analysis in the Reactor Vault –
- Published 59 research papers in Sci/Scopus indexed journals (h index 8),
- Published 6 patents,
- Produced 10 Ph.D scholars and
- Published few Mechanical Engineering text books
He also served as Professor, Head of Department and Research Head in various Academic institutions. During his tenure, he initiated and executed various activities in improving Teaching/Learning processes, facilitated notable Industry-Institution interaction and initiated Start Up activities and Academic/Industrial Research activities.
- Surface Coatings
- Solar Thermal Technology
- Heat Transfer through Nano fluids
- Ph.D in Surface Coatings for High Temperature Applications, Sathayabama University
- ME (CAD), Mechanical Engineering, Sathyabama Engineering College, University of Madras, Chennai
- BE (Mechanical Engineering), Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-Kamaraj University, Madurai.
- Qualified in GATE – 93
- Life Member in Institution of Engineers
- Member in SAE
- Reviewer and Guest Editor in various journals including: International Journal of Ambient Energy, Desalination and Water treatment, Journal of Vibro Engineering- JVE Journals, International Journal of Energy Research, Materials Today Proceedings
To aspire excellence in Education and Research, in Engineering and Management, fostering conversion of knowledge, providing technologically sustainable solutions to industry and society adhering ethical values.
- Education:
To facilitate professional development and active learning and accelerate Engineering and Management transition to obtain admissible solutions - Research:
To promote innovative, resourceful techniques in Industrial collaborative research utilizing cognitive skills. - Sustainable Solutions:
To practice high standards of ethics and create a conducive atmosphere for multi-disciplinary sustainable solutions. - Industry and Society:
To provide the core concepts of industrial values nurturing Industry – Institute Collaboration for the benefit of the student community and society.